For the Republic!

The Founding Fathers foresaw the day when our Constitutional Republic might be at risk from enemies within, as it is today (if you don’t believe it, continue reading). They provided a Constitutional remedy for use by our legislators and citizens with Article IV and Article V.

Article IV – The Guarantees
by Attorney Michael Diamond

Michael Diamond received his Law Degree from Rutgers University in Camden, New Jersey and a BA Degree in Political Science from Rutgers University in Newark.

“Our country came with guarantees. You’ll find them in Article IV, Section 4 of our constitution. That paragraph is aptly referred to as the Guarantee Clause. Senator Charles Sumner, during the administration of Abraham Lincoln, referred to it as the “sleeping giant in the constitution.” It’s time to waken the sleeping giant.

Article IV, Section 4 requires the United States to guarantee a republican form of government in every state and to protect us from both invasions and from domestic violence. Here are the exact words:

‘The United States shall guarantee to every state in the union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.’

The 1868 U.S. Supreme Court case of Texas v. White held that “state” refers to the people. The people are owed these guarantees. In fact, from 1945 to the present day, almost no effort was made to safeguard the people. We were betrayed on all three items in Article IV, Section 4.

Concerning protection from invasions, we live in the shadow of nuclear annihilation because the United States failed to give up control over atomic weapons to an international agency in 1945. As a result, our country brought about a thoroughly unnecessary nuclear arms race. At the end of WWII, our ally, the Soviet Union was exhausted and had no intention of conquering the world by military force, as falsely asserted by President Truman. And when the Soviet Union disbanded in 1991, it was no threat whatsoever. Yet, at present, while thousands of missiles with nuclear warheads are aimed at the American people, the United States is carrying out military threats and initiatives against Russia, China, and North Korea—countries that possess nuclear weapons.

About protecting the people from domestic violence, 1945 was the beginning of a transition from the use of natural products to the use of chemical substitutes. By not carefully regulating industries, our government plunged us into a new age—the  Chemical Age, for which we humans have few defenses. As a result, we are experiencing massive increases in diseases and severe losses of mental acuities. In addition, our oceans are dying. The planet is on its way to being uninhabitable.

Lastly, the guarantee of a republican form of government in our states was thwarted because the ability to explore truths with spirited debate was taken from us. No form of representative government can succeed when that happens. Here are just a few examples:

We were kept at war continuously since 1945 for no reason related to self-defense. And questioning that assertion was deemed un-American. That attack on free speech turned residents of states into vassals who paid the cost of wars in taxes and with the lives of their loved ones.

The murder of President John F. Kennedy goes unsolved to this day. Expressing the need for a true investigation is met with the charge of being a conspiracy theorist. That phrase is antithetical to life in a state with a republican form of government.

9/11 was allowed to happen. For the truth of that statement, one has only to look at the way Building 7 came down—hours after 1 and 2, in its own footprint, at the speed of gravity, and only having been burdened by a few office fires. Yet any discussion about details is derided as a conspiracy theory. No discussion is allowed, even though 9/11 was the excuse for wars to continue unabated into the 21st century.

Aircraft have been bombarding us for decades with nano-sized particles of poisonous substances. Unassailable proofs have been presented to the federal government since 1998, and we are still being told it’s not occurring, The official government position is that trails in the sky are only water vapor, and those who insist on speaking of it are confused conspiracy enthusiasts. Meanwhile, the toxins are debilitating us, killing us, and reducing our capacity to think and to reason.

The weather has been weaponized and used against us. Historic downpours have washed away lives and properties. Droughts have been created as well that have devastated large areas. Viscous storms and tornados are being aimed and unleashed against us. Officially, all of it is being blamed on global warming. Dissenting opinions are not allowed.

Swatches of the country are being destroyed by directed energy attacks. Solid proofs, like the melting of metals, are conveniently not reported, and the official story is that forest fires are doing the harm.

We were attacked with a biological weapon called SARS-Covid-2, denied palliative treatments, and forced to take destructive “vaccines.” Medical professionals had their licenses revoked if they made efforts to speak out. Other people lost their jobs. People were demeaned mercilessly for not going along with the official position. Mainstream media blared out the government’s  untruths non-stop. States were refused the very freedoms of thought and expression upon which a republican form of government could operate.

State legislatures will play a crucial part in stopping the madness, the murders, and the harms. Their first job will be to encourage immediate prosecutions of all offenders in state and county courts for the wide array of crimes visited upon the people in their states. Those crimes include fraud, murder, arson, assault and battery, and treason. Treason is defined as the use of force to bring about changes in our legal structures or our public policies. See United States v. Aaron Burr, 25 F. Cas 49 (1807)

We are being attacked mercilessly. Fighting back comes first. Fighting back through the use of indictments in state and county courts can’t come soon enough.

At the same time, the state legislators can form Offices of Survival Initiatives (OSI) to determine what steps are needed going forward. Certainly, they will demand an end to the American Empire, the closure of over 800 military bases around the world, and stopping military actions so that all resources, human and financial, can go to healing us and making this Earth habitable. Corporate agendas can no longer dictate the paths we take. Regulatory systems must be allowed to function to the highest levels required. In short, basic societal changes need to be made so that we might survive.

“Protect” is a key word in the Guarantee Clause. We forgot that our mission in life is to protect each other. That forgetting is how we got to this point of public emergency. Well, it’s now or never to protect others as we would have them protect us.

And the methods chosen by the state legislators and put into effect by both the federal and state governments will be the final word. Courts will not interfere with choices made pursuant to Article IV, Section 4 for the purpose of assuring survival. Such decisions are for the people to determine. See Colegrove v. Green, 328 U.S. 549 (1946).

The awakened giant in the United States Constitution has much to do. We’d better get started.”

   © Michael Diamond 2024

(Thank you to Karen Kingston and Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, for sharing Mr. Diamond’s essay this week.)

Article V – Convention of States

Article V, Convention of States, is an existing provision of the Constitution, like Article IV. It enables the state legislators to enact remedies in the event of critical failures of the federal government. The Convention of States project is a nationwide non-partisan project to restore our Constitutional Republic by working with our representatives on three critical areas:

  • Reduce the size and power of the federal government
  • Impose fiscal restraints
  • Propose term limits

The Convention of States project has been endorsed by 19 states so far. You can show your support and join the team by signing our petition:

Aaron Copeland, “Fanfare for the Common Man”:

Published by Douglas Lloyd Peck

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