My Spike Protein/Tinnitus Saga

I don’t know if spike protein is a hoax as Dr. Lee Merritt and others claim, I’m just sharing my spike protein/tinnitus saga. We are all watching from our limited perspectives as events unfold. Controversial opinions are expressed in these articles but this is a time, more than ever, when we must listen to controversial opinions and observations and they must not be censored.

Full Jane Ruby/Lee Merritt Interview

I like Dr. Ruby’s instinctive sense of direction toward the light in all of her interviews. Dr. Merritt is a former orthopedic surgeon and emergency room physician who has been researching COVID since it started. Her husband is a military pilot and she was a military doctor for much of her career. I think they have the “warrior gene.” Their spike protein and “virus vs. no virus”discussion starts at 18:35.

A lot of Dr. Merritt’s views about COVID have evolved with the flood of information that is being shared, against resistance from government and industry and the mockingbird media. Dr. Ruby begins the show, “For the past four years we’ve been told, and we’ve been telling you, that at least some of the COVID injections were filled with a genetic code to force your body to make the toxic part of the Corona virus, but no one’s ever proven that….so if there is no isolated virus for SARS-COV2 then there’s no spike protein, and if there’s no spike protein then the treatments to get rid of the spike proteins are part of the hoax…We’ve got a whole cottage industry on spike proteins.”

Dr. Merritt: “I ask my pathology friends, ‘How can you say that we have spike protein?’ and they say, ‘We have stains.’ And you say, ‘How did you get the stains?’ and you get silence. Because they got the stains from the same people, the stains that show the pink stuff on a slide of dead tissue. It’s the same test that you got a PCR test from. It’s made up. That can easily be made up…We know that we can transmit disease electromagnetically (optogenetics), and we also know that there are toxins everywhere in the world…It’s a world controlled by narrative invention…If you want to take down a country you don’t need a disease, the ‘virus’ is my words on the Internet…you can make something look like a disease…”

“(Dr. James Giordano, PhD, a Professor in the Departments of Neurology and Biochemistry working for DOD) goes through this in detail…How do you lie to these virologists? You give them a convincing world view…we accept the reality that we are given… (The Truman Show)…They couldn’t have isolated it, it’s all genetic made up…Do not worry about ‘Pandemic X’, do worry that they are poisoning you, that they are irradiating you. What we are living in is a world of parasites, poisons and electromagnetic damage to us…”

Sasha Latypova has also described it as an intentional poisoning rather than a “novel” Corona virus “pandemic.” See this two-minute clip of Sasha Latypova from the Lionness of Judah Substack May 25, 2024: “…they have never demonstrated that they can make it, actually…That pseudouridine substitution, apparently it creates these ‘skipping the frames’ and they’re making different proteins every time.”

My Spike Protein/Tinnitus Saga

Dr. Merritt’s explanation may explain why about two months ago, first time in my life, I got tinnitus in both ears (constant low-level ringing, or more like the sensation of blood surging in rhythm with my heart beats, and soft ringing). Dr. McCullough says tinnitus is one symptom of spike protein infection. Jessica Rose posted this story on her Substack on Jun 6, 2024: “Peer-reviewed Confirmation of Tinnitus Induced by COVID-19 Shots.” I messaged Dr. McCullough last week, “I have tinnitus, how do I determine if I have spike protein? Nobody in my family is mRNA vaxxed, so it probably isn’t from shedding, maybe COVID infection, or radiation as Dr. Lee Merritt describes.”

Dr. McCullough’s partner in their medical practice in McKinney, TX, responded a few days later. He said, and Dr. McCullough himself mentioned this in a recent Luke Storey podcast, that they are working with a team to produce a direct spike protein test. In the meantime they can detect spike protein indirectly with an “antigen assay” because as the antigen is removed there are fewer and fewer spike protein antibodies. I am encouraged that at some time in the future all patients will have access to a direct spike protein test, not just an indirect antigen assay.

I sent Dr. Sherri Tenpenny a list of a dozen or so FDA-approved “EUA antigen tests that I found on the FDA web site. Dr. Tenpenny said, “Look at the test closely. What does the assay measure? Corona RNA? Or spike protein? What does it measure to say positive or negative? That is key.” (She is an exceptional doctor and a remarkable person.) I’m aware of the PCR and Antigen home test kits that you can get at CVS or other pharmacies for about $10-$40. I don’t trust them. I think the claim that they are just a scam to generate fake case numbers is plausible. I want to be tested by a professional lab with a doctor’s supervision.

Dr. McCullough advised in his June 14, 2024 Substack: “For those with long-COVID or residual vaccine injury symptoms, consider prompting your doctor for an antibody measurement. In my office we measure both qualitative antibodies to the nucleocapsid and an extended range quantitative antibody to the Spike protein that ranges up to >25,000 U/ml (normal <0.8 U/ml, LabCorp). In general, values <1000 are consistent with the natural infection and >1000 are largely determined by the number of COVID-19 episodes, vaccines and boosters, time since injection, and use of McCullough Protocol Base Spike Detoxification. More time since the shot and detoxification are associated with lower levels under my direct observation.”

I asked my Primary Care Physician for help with choosing a test, if he agrees that the tests in the FDA list are appropriate for my situation. He responded through his Nurse Practitioner – that’s how a lot of doctor’s offices are set up now (it’s more efficient). The Nurse Practitioner said, “The doctor said he does not know how to determine if you are a long-term carrier of the spike protein in your body.” That’s honest enough, but the message is, “Don’t bother me.” I have read that it is a common response by doctors to COVID-19 questions. More light on this is offered by this recent Substack article by an MD, titled “Who Is John Galt?” (the title is a literary reference that translates to “Don’t know, Don’t Care”).

The Nurse Practitioner added in her response, “CDC has been on top of this since the beginning of the pandemic and they may be more helpful since they are the experts.” In other words, “We strive to minimize our independent thinking here and follow the CDC and FDA guidance” (it’s more efficient). Unfortunately, the CDC and FDA have been revealed to be two of the most untrustworthy organizations in public health. It’s a fierce competition with the FCC and WHO. (One presidential candidate promises to do what must be done to restore public confidence in these organizations; as for the other two candidates, I’m not as encouraged.)

One of the other Nurse Practitioners in my doctor’s office showed more initiative. She replied, “There is a SARS-COV-2 Semi-Quantitative Total Antibody Spike Test available. The test has it’s limitations, please review the following document: SARS-COV-2 antibodies (COVID-19) Serology Testing Recommendations.” I will have to get help to review this document (apparently not from my doctor). I’m just a retired computer network administrator with ringing in his ears.

Do I Sound Skeptical?

A few months ago a routine blood test at my doctor’s office revealed to my provider (probably by an AI algorithm?) that I am a good candidate for a statin drug, the most profitable and pervasive prescription in history, for the “problem” of high cholesterol. Without a word of consultation about my diet and lifestyle, another doctor in the office immediately wrote a prescription for a daily Lipitor statin pill that would continue, if I followed the usual pattern, for the rest of my life. Refer to Colleen Huber and Aseem Malhotra and many other doctors and scientists who have rigorously challenged the cholesterol pill pushers. Dr. Huber’s and others’ research demonstrates persuasively to a layman like me that statins harm the immune system and reduce the body’s ability to make essential Vitamin D. There are testimonials of horrific injury caused by statins, usually by the loved ones of the deceased.

I don’t want to harm my immune system any more than I already have from all the toxins in processed food and in the air and water and the modern electromagnetic environment and now the poisonous “vaccines” which my family and I have thankfully refused. We want to live more as God intended – every day a little art and music and reading and healthy food and exercise and sunshine and affection and charity and adventure and prayer – and we want to preserve the Eden that God provided.


I think we have an answer!

I have benefitted greatly from these informative and faith-restoring conversations with scientists and doctors who are willing to stretch their covid spike protein knowledge. Here is the latest installment, which includes insights gained in previous conversations.

5/30/24 – Latest Labcorp blood test results from my healthcare provider:

5/25-31/24 Substack chat with Dr. Raymond Kordonowy, MD, :

You have been extremely helpful and generous with your time. Two weeks ago Dr. Peter McCullough’s medical partner, another MD, told me that their office is “working with a team” to produce a direct test for spike protein, which will be a breakthrough advancement over the commonly used indirect technique (Labcorp, Quest) of detecting antibodies to spike protein. The theory goes that if you are on a spike detox regimen and the antibodies to your “spike proteins” are decreasing, then your detox regimen is working, and some day you will eventually be “back to normal.”

All good. Unfortunately dropping antibody titers is what we expect in all persons over a period of weeks to months as infection clears. If you get infected again, your titers will rise- that is how the immune system functions.

I am just relieved that I don’t have spike protein apparently. The world will celebrate when Dr. McCullough’s team produces the (first?) direct spike protein test.

5/24/2024 – Genomics expert Kevin McKernan (Anandamide on Substack) responded to my story with a suggestion to contact a company called InCellDX (, which is supervised by MD’s. For COVID-19 questions, their web site refers you to, which is called on their home page “Chronic COVID Treatment Center.”  I found two InCellDX lab tests for spike protein available at which come with a video consultation with one of their MD’s after the lab test:

– S1 Immune Subset Panel ($540) – S1 Immune Subset Panel quantifies important immune cell subsets in acute COVID and long COVID including the persistence of S1 protein that is found in monocyte subsets in long COVID.

– 14 Marker Panel ($460) – Cytokine 14 Marker Panel identifies 14 cytokine markers to quantitatively measure the levels of critical Cytokine in inflammation representing multiple immune pathways.

Video consultation with MD ($249) after they receive your blood test:

I sent the information from Kevin McKernan to Dr. McCullough’s partner who responded to me previously and he replied right away, “I did hear about this and I am looking into it, thanks for the feedback.”

Reader Response

This is by far my most popular blog story in ten years, I think because it hits so many people so close to home:

A Perspective from Dr. Jane Ruby (from Sage Hana Substack, Mar 10, 2024):

“What have they shown you?” A 5-minute clip asking if the novel coronavirus has been shown, if the spike protein can be measured (tiny) and what device measures it’s proliferation and reduction in response to “treatments.”

A Perspective from Dr.McCullough:

“This combination (the McCullough/TWC spike detox protocol) has a sufficient evidence in the peer-reviewed literature on helping the body clear spike protein and reduce the effects of spike protein inflammation…”

A Perspective from Dr. Robert Young, PhD

(Aug 10, 2022) From the show notes: “Dr. Robert Young is widely recognized as one of the top research and clinical scientists in the world.”

Dr. Young: “Cell towers have the capacity to deliver, in boxing terms, a “knockout punch” to the human body, that can be targeted any time, anywhere, that this matrix is set up…We are measuring the magnetic force that’s penetrating the cell that actually causes – listen to this carefully – that causes cell membrane damage or deterioration or degeneration that leads to the Corona effect, that leads to the spike protein effect…Spike protein is not caused by a virus, it’s caused by radiation poisoning….There were various cities that were targeted where they were going to switch the switch on…Once they switched the switch on, in combination with a receptor of graphene, which acts like a bio-sensor ((he said graphene oxide is being put in the air and the food and the water and it’s now being injected), what you have is a quantum link, and that quantum link links you up to the radiation that you’re being exposed to, to the graphene, which then causes, depending on the frequency, immediate cellular disorganization which leads to pathological blood coagulation which leads to pulmonary embolism which leads to oxygen deprivation which leads to death…It causes the spike protein which is a degradation of the cell membrane and the death of the cell…This is all intentional – it’s to reduce the actual environment, the bio-chemistry, to a point that leads to death…”

Arthur Firstenberg:

“The FCC maintains a webpage listing thousands of licenses that it has handed out to hundreds of companies to operate both fixed and mobile satellite earth stations in the United States. Some of these stations are far more powerful than the Starlink Gateways. SES’s earth station at Bristol, Virginia emits up to 1,900,000,000 watts of effective radiated power, and it is allowed to aim it as low as 5 degrees above the horizon. SES’s earth station at Brewster, Washington is allowed to emit almost 1,000,000 watts in the actual direction of the horizon! 

“SES owns O3b mPOWER, which is the satellite system that had its first radomes on board the Diamond Princess cruise ship, the ship that had the famous outbreak of disease blamed on COVID-19 at the beginning of the pandemic.”

By Arthur Firstenberg

President, Cellular Phone Task Force

Author, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life

P.O. Box 6216

Santa Fe, NM 87502

A Perspective from Sasha Laytypova

2-min. clip (from Lionness of Judah Substack May 25, 2024)

“COVID was not a virus, it was small amounts of poisoning and large amounts of government-sanctioned and financially incentivized murder.”

A Perspective from Dr. Ana Mihalcea

“Nanobots inside people are programming humanity.”

A Perspective from Dr. Thomas Levy, MD, on the McCullough Report May 17, 2024

Dr. Levy: “I now have the data to show this, that all disease, 100 percent, is due to excess oxidation, electron deprivation, from bio-molecules, and this is all, 100 percent, caused by toxins…” He explains why vitamin C, “or other quality anti-oxidants like methylene blue,” is the solution: “It’s all about keeping the electrons flowing and keeping them distributed….and when the spike protein comes along it’s like a little gasoline on the fire…Right now, to my knowledge, we don’t have a readily available, economic, spike protein test, where people can go get a blood-level test of spike protein…”

A Perspective from Dr. Bryan Ardis, DC (April 2024):

Dr. Ardis points out that in 1990 more than 50 percent of Americans were smokers, and by 2020 the anti-smoking campaign reduced it to less than 12 percent, and he claims that with less nicotine in our bodies we were more vulnerable to the poisons of the COVID injections. He says that because of the reduced nicotine in our bodies “90 percent of Americans were going to get sick from the venom-laced bioweapon..and believe that they need a vaccine to save them.” He emphasizes and links a Jan 2023 study by Leitzke and colleagues that says, “Treating several individuals suffering from post-COVID-19 syndrome with a nicotine patch application, we witness improvements ranging from immediate and substantial to complete remission in a matter of days…From day 1 of wearing the (nicotine) patch all of his symptoms disappeared…the nicotine circulating in his body totally cured him from all of his long-COVID symptoms… Do you start to understand why the FDA and the states around the world had to lie to you about nicotine for 30 years?”

A Perspective from Dr. Larry Palevsky, MD:

“In 2019 the flu shots contained graphene and hydrogels. Nanoparticles and emulsifiers such as polysorbate 80 were designed to target and damage brain tissue of young children. How do kids lose speech, eye contact, socialization, self control? There has to be something so serious being absorbed into their brain.”

A Perspective from Kevin McKernan:

“Differences in Vaccine and SARS-CoV-2 Replication Derived mRNA: Implications for Cell Biology and Future Disease” (co-authored with Anthony M. Kyriakopoulos and Peter McCullough).

From a Duck Duck Go search: “Kevin McKernan is a genomics scientist who has researched the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for COVID-19. He has expressed concerns about the stability and potential risks associated with the spike protein, particularly in the context of COVID-19 vaccines.

McKernan has stated that the spike protein is not as innocuous as initially believed and that it has the potential to cause harm. He has also pointed out that the virus enters the body through the nasal passage and replicates there, taking around 5-7 days to peak before clearing. This is in contrast to the vaccine, which introduces the spike protein directly into the body.

McKernan has also highlighted the potential for the spike protein to cause a cytokine storm, a severe immune response that can lead to inflammation and tissue damage. He has also expressed concerns about the high concentration of mRNA in the vaccine, which can make it difficult for the body to eliminate.

In addition, McKernan has discovered DNA contamination in Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines, which he believes could have implications for the safety and efficacy of the vaccines. He has also pointed out that the spike protein gene is present in the DNA plasmids used in the manufacturing process, which raises questions about the potential risks associated with the vaccines.

Overall, Kevin McKernan’s research and comments on the spike protein have raised important questions about the safety and efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines and the potential risks associated with the spike protein.”

A Perspective from Dr. Sabine Hazan:

A Perspective from A Midwestern Doctor Substack:

“My focus was specifically drawn to the zeta potential concept after I realized many of the mysteries of COVID-19 (and later the vaccine) were a result of the spike protein being extremely disruptive to the body’s zeta potential.” The anonymous sage, in a moment of self-reflection, commented, “my mind continually alternates between microscopic and macroscopic perspectives on each thing I observeWhen I reflect upon the entire history of Western Medicine, I feel that while many aspects of it have provided an extraordinary blessing to mankind, many others were a blight upon humanity…”

“Mistakes Were NOT Made” by Margaret Anna Alice, read by Dr. Mike Yeadon


Crown Valley Quarterly – Please check out my new free online showcase where I display the work mainly of less well-known up and coming artists and an occasional beloved luminary like Sasha Latypova and Margaret Anna Alice.

Published by Douglas Lloyd Peck

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3 thoughts on “My Spike Protein/Tinnitus Saga

  1. good to know there is no spike protein. So stop the white pine posts. Can one remove metals that were introduced through the vaccine?


    1. Ana talks about EDTA chelation on her substack and some others are having some success with 532nm light therapy…


  2. harvoni did something really bad to people I am one of them destroyed my body and immune system activated dormant viruses cause sensory, peripheral neuropathy, vision loss, hearing loss, tinnitus, and severe brain inflammation yet another drug pushed on people that had no problems with their liver or a symptomatic with this miracle cure that cost $1000 a pill we were all over treated and it was all about the money. I have Lyme disease in 2002 another bio weapon government situation gone wrong hepatitis see was from blood transfusions in 1983 From a ruptured ectopic pregnancy my body was fine I live it was fine I was fine. I have tonight is so bad I can’t even think straight destroyed every part of my body from the top of my head to my toes cause the hypersensitivity and my body is literally attacking itself and there’s no wait stop it.


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