Has the Mass Vaccination Scourge Finally Run Its Course?

By Ian Brighthope, May 21, 2024

By Ian Brighthope
My attempt to restate the key facts about vaccination in a neutral tone:

Vaccines are a diverse class of medicines, with some being slightly effective but unsafe, while others have proven defective or unsafe. It is seriously inaccurate to claim all vaccines are categorically “safe and effective.”

Historically, most vaccines have demonstrated toxicity and caused harm through various mechanisms like contamination, unintended immune responses, contracting the targeted disease from the vaccine itself, or unknown causes, probably hyper-oxidation reactions.

Vaccine manufacturers have immunity from product liability lawsuits, based on the government authorities recognizing vaccines as “unavoidably unsafe” products.

Since 1986, the number of vaccines on the childhood/adolescent schedules has increased from 7 to 21 by 2023.

Only a minority of vaccines on the current schedule, like measles and chickenpox, are capable of providing herd immunity, albeit controversial. All vaccines cannot justify population-wide mandates.

The pharmaceutical industry wields enormous influence through lobbying, advertising to the medical profession, funding medical groups, and incentivizing and rewarding doctors.

The COVID-19 mRNA vaccines underwent less testing than usual, were authorized for emergency use only initially, utilized a new technology platform, and have generated high rates of reported deaths and adverse events compared to traditional vaccines. Yet they were quickly added to the childhood schedule.

Extremely high numbers of reported deaths and adverse events from COVID-19 vaccines have not been systematically accounted for by health authorities, who continue strongly promoting these vaccines.

Calling the mRNA products “vaccines” has broadened the definition of vaccine, potentially shielding manufacturers from liability to an unprecedented degree.

Vaccine mandates can compel medical treatments classified by law as “unavoidably unsafe” from manufacturers with liability protections, in contradiction to being promoted as “safe and effective.”

Hence I argue for reevaluating the central dogma that all vaccines are fundamentally “safe and effective,” and propose reforms like repealing liability protections, prohibiting all mandates, and investigating all vaccines thoroughly.

We remain ignorant while the drug and vaccine companies are profiteering. Therefore we become sicker, weaker and poorer.

Vaccines and Autism


Wondering whether to vaccinate your babies or not? This is essential reading for parents and parents-to-be from Professor Ian Brighthope. – Dr. Tess Lawrie, PhD

“Because influenza vaccines do not stop transmission nor do they reduce rates of influenza hospitalization and death among healthy workers, policies mandating these vaccines should be dropped. High-risk individuals can choose vaccination as an attempt to provide personal protection, but no one should be fooled that this intervention makes a difference in the workplace. Health care workers should be encouraged to enjoy their own medical freedom and encourage the same among their patients.” – Dr. Peter McCullough, Courageous Discourse Jun 16, 2024

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Childhood Vaccine Schedule Led to ‘Greatest Decline in Public Health in Human History’


Dr. Suzanne Humphries

A Midwestern Doctor

“When I reflect upon the entire history of Western Medicine, I feel that while many aspects of it have provided an extraordinary blessing to mankind, many others were a blight upon humanity, and that ever since the widespread use of Mercury came into vogue (the tragic history of which is discussed in this book), a continually escalating wave of negative karma has been created. One of the most pernicious aspects of this was the vaccination program, and in each generation, awake and courageous individuals tried to warn against the mistake we were making, but in each case, their pleas were largely erased from history. In turn, one of my goals here has been to begin painting a picture of exactly what happened in each of those instances as I believe a recognition of the cycle we are trapped within is necessary for us to be able to break it.”

Published by Douglas Lloyd Peck praisebells@yahoo.com

My Wordpress Blog: https://liveyosemite.wordpress.com

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