STEM Update

Created by Microsoft Copilot AI Assistant

An Excellent Explanation of Quantum Computing

“World’s First Head Transplant System”

Artificial Intelligence Personal Assistants

Last month I learned how to easily create the amazing image above to accompany this story using Microsoft Copilot, a free iPhone and Samsung Galaxy app. I asked Copilot to “Create an inspiring graphic image for ‘STEM – Science Technology Engineering and Math’.“ It immediately generated several interesting images. I chose the one above and easily copied it into my story. I can also ask it to write a story or compose a song (notes only, no music – for that you need a different AI tool available free at Copilot can also generate software code or advise me on complex matters among other things.

Today I learned how to easily create a theme song for my blog using a free AI web site ( – check it out:

I won’t go into all the concerns that are raised by this technology, which are daunting. I’m just saying, these tools are pretty cool! It’s a brave new world.

Custom images created by MS Copilot on my iPhone

“Create an image of a Viper ACR, orange with black racing stripe and a high aerodynamic wing on the tail, with a proud young man in front and a proud father behind his son.”

Electron Microscope Image of DNA – Dr. Kevin Stillwagon

“Here is the first electron microscope image of it from 2012, much to the chagrin of those who deny its existence. This revelation, this glimpse into the divine architecture of life, is a testament to the awe-inspiring beauty and complexity of the natural world. It speaks to a higher order, a grand design of God’s image, woven into the very fabric of our being. To tamper with such sacred geometry is to challenge the very essence of creation itself.”

Dr. Stillwagon’s Substack article: “DNA Origami

The Mechanism of Harm of the mRNA Injections

Dr. McCullough: “How does the body get rid of it (the poisonous mRNA that goes throughout the body and remains for many months after an injection)?”

Dr. Acevedo: “Well, I think it tries. I think it’s very difficult for it to be degraded because of these modifications that they have made…It cannot be degraded easily by the enzymes that we have normally so then it activates different molecules that will lead to a pro-inflammatory state within the cell. So the cell is going to start producing molecules that say ‘Hey! I’m in trouble!…”

Lithium – A Rare But Key Component of Batteries

The Lithium Series I by Tom Hegen

Lithium powers our pockets and desks, in phones and laptops. And it is an essential raw material for the renewable energy transition away from carbon-emitting fossil fuels and toward a rechargeable-driven world of electric vehicles. Demand for it has exploded, with global lithium production tripling and consumption increasing by 8.9% annually between 2010 and 2020. The battery of a Tesla Model S, f or example, uses around 12 kg of lithium. South America’s so-called “Lithium Triangle,” formed by parts of Argentina, Chile, and Bolivia, holds more than 75% of the world’s supply. My home country, Argentina, is a lithium horsepower by itself, being the world’s fourth-largest producer and possessing over 20% of the world’s reserves worth billions of dollars.

Antarctic Sapiens Substack Essay, May 13, 2024

Unveiling Climate Mysteries: Debunking CO2’s Role in Global Warming
Howard ‘Cork’ Hayden, professor emeritus in the Physics Department of the University of Connecticut, reveals the true drivers of climate change through rigorous scientific inquiry.

Ants Modified by Gene Editing Become Antisocial, like “Space Cadets”

The ants modifed by gene editing were color-coded with blue and yellow paint

“As in the Rockefeller study, the modified ants exhibited social problems. In this case, they exhibited a behavior one researcher called “space cadet,” where the ants failed to interact with other ants, wandered out of the nest, couldn’t forage for food, and didn’t groom males in the pre-mating ritual. In addition, unlike other females, the modified ants wouldn’t engage in antenna duels for dominance after the queen was removed.”

Polymicrobial Infections – Harold Fickett and Dr. Robert Malone


Waymo Self-driving Taxis go into service (but not ready for prime time)

Climate Change

  • New evidence that natural variation, not human activity, causes climate changeEpoch Times Feb 28, 2024

“The Biden administration leans on its latest National Climate Assessment report as evidence that global warming is accelerating because of human activities…But scientific experts from around the world in a variety of fields are pushing back. In peer-reviewed studies, they cite a wide range of flaws with the global temperature data used to reach the dire conclusions; they say it’s time to reexamine the whole narrative…Instead, natural climate variability offers a much better explanation for what is being observed.”

Amazing New Inventions

The Starlink Satellite Project

This illustration of Starlink, a fleet or constellation of internet-providing satellites designed by SpaceX, shows roughly 4,400 satellites of the project’s first phase deployed in three different orbital “shells”. Photo: University College London

A skeptical perspective on Starlink:

DNA Sequencing

“..Recently a new method (CRISPR) has been developed that promises to dramatically improve our ability to edit the DNA of any species including humans…”

Published by Douglas Lloyd Peck

My Wordpress Blog:

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