I Was Tested for Spike Protein

“This sample does not contain detectable antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein receptor binding domain (RBD). Roche Elecsys Anti-SARS-CoV-2 S…This test has been authorized only for detecting the presence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2, not for any other viruses or pathogens. Performed at: 01 – Labcorp San Diego 13112 Evening Creek Dr So Ste 200, SanContinue reading “I Was Tested for Spike Protein”

Sen. Ron Johnson: “This is all planned by an elite group of people”

BY TYLER DURDEN AUG 13, 2023 And now, better late than never, a US politician recognizes that all may not have been what it seemed with the pandemic – and its tyrannical response. Senator Ron Johnson on Friday told Fox Business’ Maria Bartiromo that Covid-19, and its response, were “preplanned by an elite group of people” who conductedContinue reading “Sen. Ron Johnson: “This is all planned by an elite group of people””

Has the Mass Vaccination Scourge Finally Run Its Course?

By Ian Brighthope, May 21, 2024 By Ian Brighthope My attempt to restate the key facts about vaccination in a neutral tone: Vaccines are a diverse class of medicines, with some being slightly effective but unsafe, while others have proven defective or unsafe. It is seriously inaccurate to claim all vaccines are categorically “safe andContinue reading “Has the Mass Vaccination Scourge Finally Run Its Course?”

My Spike Protein/Tinnitus Saga

I don’t know if spike protein is a hoax as Dr. Lee Merritt and others claim, I’m just sharing my spike protein/tinnitus saga. We are all watching from our limited perspectives as events unfold. Controversial opinions are expressed in these articles but this is a time, more than ever, when we must listen to controversialContinue reading “My Spike Protein/Tinnitus Saga”

“Four-year Anniversary of the COVID-19 Pandemic” by Dr. Peter McCullough

https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/p/four-year-anniversary-of-covid-19 Now, ladies and gentlemen, please put your hands together for Dr Peter McCullough. 0:14 Dr McCullough, thank you so much for agreeing to present for our community here on Sunshine Coast. 0:20 Yes, please go ahead with the presentation and thank you on behalf of all Australians. 0:27 I’m delighted to join the SunshineContinue reading ““Four-year Anniversary of the COVID-19 Pandemic” by Dr. Peter McCullough”

Defeating the Spike Protein

Update 5/12/24 from Dr. McCullough: In the Luke Storey podcast (link below), Dr. McCullough describes how to remove spike protein with nattokinase, bromelain and curcumin. The topic begins at 38:40. It is the most detailed description I’ve found so far by Dr. McCullough of his recommended spike protein detox protocol, which uses The Wellness Company’sContinue reading “Defeating the Spike Protein”

Toby Rogers Explains “Enclosure”

On Social Psychology “The role of behavioral psychology in the iatrogenocide: Pharma weaponized belonging against us. Pharma weaponized parents’ love for their children against us. Pharma weaponized our deep respect for science against us. Pharma weaponized normalcy bias against us. Pharma created a crime so monstrous that few would believe it.”   On Enclosure “Covid is the enclosure of the human body byContinue reading “Toby Rogers Explains “Enclosure””

Katherine Watt – “Dirty Bombs”

  Katherine Watt’s Substack Mar 5, 2024: “For more than 100 years, the US government, through the military, and specifically through the Public Health Service branch of the US military, in collaboration with private pharmaceutical companies and the UN-World Health Organization, has been intentionally and effectively poisoning the population in the US and worldwide, using productsContinue reading “Katherine Watt – “Dirty Bombs””

Dr. Tess Lawrie – What I Do To Stay Healthy

DR TESS LAWRIE, MBBCH, PHD​ DEC 28, 2023 Following the seasonal gatherings, are you worried you might come down with something? If you or the people around you are getting ill, sunshine is scarce, and you are wondering how to protect yourself from infections and shedding, perhaps you are interested in what I do toContinue reading “Dr. Tess Lawrie – What I Do To Stay Healthy”

Sasha Latypova

  Sasha Latypova is one of the most remarkable and courageous and wise people I have ever had the privilege of knowing (from a distance through her interviews and Substack essays).  Sasha is a former pharmaceutical executive who came out of retirement after she became suspicious about the plandemic response in early 2020.  She began investigatingContinue reading “Sasha Latypova”