Navigating Through Another Planned Catastrophe

Lord Jim – a horrendous misjudgment haunts the life of a noble sailor

This article was prepared with grateful appreciation to hundreds of courageous investigators, doctors and scientists and to the creators and maintainers of the Internet and to independent journalists and media organizations around the world.  There is a list of references for more information at the end.

Three years ago a D.O.D.-produced bioweapon (a man-made “virus” called SARS-CoV-2) and later the D.O.D.-produced countermeasures (the COVID-19 “vaccines”) were unleashed on the world as part of a long-planned and highly organized and well-funded  campaign. The campaign served a number of overt and covert political and financial objectives of a nefarious group of wealthy and powerful malefactors and their minions and lackeys. The campaign has killed millions of people around the world. The poisonous injections and deadly hospital protocols continue to be promoted by corrupt political leaders and corporate leaders and hospital administrators and media companies. It is a monstrous deception and a criminal catastrophe. (1, 56)

The bioweapon was designed in U.S. and other military and university labs including Ft. Detrick, MD and the Univ of North Carolina and the U.S.-funded Wuhan Lab in China over the last ten years. The same groups of people who created the bioweapon “virus” also created the countermeasure “vaccines” (they are actually genetic mRNA injections, not traditional vaccines). The weaponized viruses and the mRNA injections have been developed in U.S. and foreign military labs and university labs for more than a decade with tax payer funding. It’s called Gain of Function research which is a euphemism for weaponizing viruses and other pathogens. (2)

“In 2012 DARPA, the research military unit, had on their website the ADEPT-P3 Program. They were developing the messenger RNA to end pandemics, they claimed, in 60 days. This was in 2012, long before Operation Warp Speed. The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in 2017 held a widely published seminar called the SPARS Pandemic, and it was a coronavirus pandemic planning meeting…and then in 2019 Event 201 was held. The Chinese CDC director comes over, Avril Haines, our current director of national intelligence, state senators were there, and they were all planning for a coronavirus pandemic...” – Dr. Peter McCullough Jan 30, 2024

“The world is increasingly becoming aware that the propaganda promoted by the vaccine manufacturers, US Government and the World Health Organization concerning the COVID crisis and the centralized top-down approach has been a fraud. In an attempt to weaponize this fraud for a variety of purposes, we have all been subjected to the most amazing, centralized and globalized propaganda and psywar campaign in modern history.”Dr. Robert Malone, MD, in U.S. Senate testimony Nov 13, 2023

“If the pandemic industry wants to regain the trust of the people it needs to demonstrate that it will actually do its job and prevent future pandemics. This for example could be accomplished by 1) Banning GoF research and 2) Committing to utilizing repurposed drugs to treat emerging pandemics and providing a way to protect the rights of doctors and patients to opt to use them. Unfortunately, doing either of those will require the industry to give up its grift—so as you’d imagine, neither is being entertained.”A Midwestern Doctor Substack, Feb 7, 2024

Political leaders around the world were inducing and coercing everyone to take the COVID-19 injections. At that time the medical and scientific communities, HHS, CDC, NIH and FDA were aware that thousands of people were being killed and injured by the gene therapies that they falsely called “vaccines.”

The diabolical strategy where you create a frightening problem and then provide a supposed solution which requires compliance with new authoritarian laws and measures has been used throughout history by totalitarian regimes to manipulate and control people to achieve political and financial objectives. (6)

In September of 2020 Dr. Zach Bush, MD made the following accurate prediction:

“In 2022 the ones that are going to die are not going to be 80-year olds. We’re going to see 18-year olds, 24-year olds, 30-year olds dying of “Coronavirus” because they’re actually in an adaptive immune crisis where their immune system is killing them….We are setting ourselves up for a perpetual crisis that we’re going to keep blaming on Coronavirus…and we’re going to be told every few months that there’s a new variant of Coronavirus or Adenovirus and we need a new GMO update…” (37)

Toby Rogers describes the sinister strategy employed by unscrupulous doctors, scientists and businessmen to prey on the human population in a Substack article in Dec 2023:  

“…picture a 60-year-old woman. She has one million dollars in a 401(k) and another million dollars in equity in her house that she shares with her husband. If Pharma can convince this woman to get a Covid shot every year it has a chance to steal her entire net worth…The shot itself only generates about $100 in revenue for Pharma. But soon thereafter she develops an autoimmune disorder, myocarditis, or has a stroke. She’s in and out of the hospital and sees an endless string of specialists…”

The long-standing corruption of Big Pharma and the medical industry is only one facet of the plandemic which includes a political power grab and financial manipulation and depopulation facets.

“The starting point in understanding the events of 2020 is acknowledging that whatever the “novel virus” was, it had silently become widespread months before the start of “the pandemic.” In PANDA’s view, the notion that something then spread during the “pandemic phase” was not driven by person-to-person pathogenic spread but by an extremely rapid ramp-up of PCR testing finding increasing numbers of ‘positive cases’…PANDA maintains it is a mistake to blame “a virus” when the true culprits are those who fashioned and propagated a false narrative.”PANDA Research Summary May 5, 2024

Dr. Paul Alexander, PhD, a former Health and Human Services Science Adviser, has named 73 individuals and organizations that are prime candidates for Nuremberg 2.0. It’s a good start. “What about this one?” can be heard all around the world as people wake up to what has been done to them. Justice awaits the criminals of COVID.

Making the Bioweapon and the Countermeasures

The “vaccines” were manufactured by a consortium of D.O.D. contractors under the direction of the National Security Council which is comprised mainly of top military leaders and intelligence agency leaders and reports to the President. The U.S. bioweapons research that began after WWII with relocated scientists from Germany eventually was moved under Health and Human Services (4, 42, 54).

Dr. Peter Breggin, MD: “…from the start, the government was completely in charge of the protocols for drug company research, removing the drug approval process from the hands of the FDA and the drug companies; but the “government” itself was doing none of the scientific work. That made a catastrophe inevitable because no one was authorized to conduct a scientific evaluation of the safety and efficacy of the mRNA platform injections that are causing so much death and destruction—and none has ever been done!”

From RFK, Jr.’s book, “The Wuhan Cover-up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race”:

“Dr. Anthony Fauci joined the National Institutes of Health, where he would never face combat. There he began a fifty-year sojourn that would put him at the summit of the nation’s scientific and technological elite, an apex that he would use to militarize and monetize medical research and to consolidate the seamless alliance between government, science, the military and intelligence agencies, and private contractors in ways that would consummate President Eisenhower’s worst nightmares about the threat this cartel posed to democracy…Today, powerful pharmaceutical companies have joined Big Oil as the engine of US foreign policy, and US intelligence is still playing the same insidious role.”

“The COVID-19 pandemic which affected an entire generation of American kids changed our relationship with our government, changed our relationship with the United States Constitution, re-shuffled our foreign policy relationships with countries all over the world and ushered in a model for shifting to totalitarian authoritarian rule, from democracy…Twenty thousand Americans gave their lives during the (Revolutionary) War to give us the Bill of Rights and we were able to hold onto it for almost 250 years, and we then in one year we gave away virtually all of the Bill of Rights…”

In his Substack on Dec 4, 2022 Dr. Malone said:

“We must hold those people responsible for the creation and release of this manufactured virus accountable. That includes people in the administrative state that funded the gain-of-function research that made the creation of this virus possible. As Mr. (Peter) Navarro so elegantly expresses, those who helped with the cover-up of the origins must also be held accountable for their crimes. As a first-person witness to what happened in the White House during 2020, Peter Navarro is uniquely positioned to comment on how NIH and Health and Human Services (HHS) lied to those in Trump’s administration as to how this virus was created. They knew. They lied. They must be held accountable.”

The supposedly life-saving “vaccines” were rushed to the carefully prepared battlefield (a fearful population) under Operation Warp Speed by suspending the normal manufacturing standards and long-term safety testing that has always been required for traditional vaccines and other medicines.  (11)

The “Legal Machine” That Perpetuates the Crime Against Humanity

A North Carolina Court of Appeals found that a clinic, where personnel gave  a 14-year-old boy a COVID-19 shot without his consent or parental consent, was protected by the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act (PREP Act).  The court concluded that the Guilford Board of Education, which hosted the clinic, was also covered by the PREP Act.1

The manufacturers of the countermeasures and those giving the injections were shielded from liability for deaths and injuries by a complex structure of legal protections that were put in place by corrupt and misguided legislators and government agencies over the last twenty years (1986 Act, Prep Act, and others). The PREP Act, for example, authorizes the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services to issue a declaration that “provides immunity from liability (except for willful misconduct) for claims of loss caused, arising out of, relating to, or resulting from administration or use of countermeasures to diseases, threats and conditions”. (39)

Former pharma executive Sasha Latypova, who is now a fierce truth-teller about the plandemic, has described the legal structure in her Substacks. Sasha acknowledges that she draws heavily on the brilliant investigative work of Katherine Watt and other independent researchers including Dr. Kevin McKernan, PhD and Dr. Jessica Rose, PhD, and Craig Paardekooper (How Bad Is My Batch?). Sasha is featured in a Substack essay by Sage Hana (Aug 2023).

Sasha Latypova described the legal structure with this diagram (39):

“Here is the basic perverse-legal structure that is being utilized to commit democide “legally” by the US gov lead by HHS-DOD in collaboration with other federal agencies via quasi-government PHEMCE Enterprise:

Legal researcher Katherine Watt explains how the international legal mechanism works:

“The lever that sets the trapdoor mechanism in motion is the unilateral declaration, by the WHO Director-General, that a “public health emergency of international concern” (PHEIC) exists. When the WHO Director-General pulls the lever, the first gear in the contraption engages: national health officials (also unilaterally and without evidence or evidentiary review) declare a national “public health emergency” (PHE) in each WHO member state, in compliance with the terms of the WHO International Health Regulations, which are construed as a binding international legal instrument or treaty. At that moment, the constitutions and criminal codes that had formed the foundation for the rule of law in each country, fall through the trap door into the basement to temporary irrelevance...” (48)

The “vaccines” were made by a worldwide criminal organization called the D.O.D.-Big Pharma-Medical Establishment-University Research-Government Agency-Media Complex. “Criminal” is not an overstatement – numerous legal actions have been brought over the decades against these organizations . (5,10)

Pharmaceutical companies have also become extremely adept at capturing the men and women who are tasked with regulating them. Just as FDA supervisor Dr. Curtis Wright got a job at Purdue after he approved OxyContin, FDA Commissioner Dr. Scott Gottlieb was appointed to Pfizer’s Board of Directors shortly after he left the agency. Likewise, six months after he gave approval to Moderna’s new COVID-19 vaccine, FDA Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn was offered a position at the venture capital firm that was one of Moderna’s primary backers. Among major media players, Jim Smith, the CEO of Reuters, was appointed to Pfizer’s Board of Directors in 2014 and is also on the international business council of the World Economic Forum.” – Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake in “Courage to Face COVID-19”. (52)

A few of the latest plandemic scoundrels


Between 2015-2017 the drug companies, often led by Bill Gates, began to set up platforms for the rapid development of Coronavirus vaccines…The entire Warp Speed concept (not yet named) was already full-blown in 2017.”- Dr. Peter Breggin, MD and his wife, Ginger in their best-selling book, “COVID-19 and the Global Predators – We Are the Prey” (36)

The campaign greatly enriched thousands of crooked individuals and companies and hospital administrations and government agencies. A series of artificially-created fear campaigns promoted by the mainstream media continue to sustain the vast criminal operation which has existed for many decades. Similar campaigns were run to get us into WWII, Vietnam and the War on Terror at the expense of many thousands of soldiers and innocent civilians. It’s a sad fact of the human condition that we don’t read about in most history books. (4)

“The Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex (an offshoot of what President Eisenhower called “the Military-industrial Complex) has erected an Empire for exerting dominion over all mankind. Peter McCullough and other bold doctors such as Didier Raoult, Zev Zelenko, Ivette Lozano, Tess Lawrie, George Fareed, Harvey Risch, Paul Marik, Pierre Kory, James Thorp and Richard Urso (to name a few) formed a ragtag rebel alliance to oppose it. The Empire is vastly more powerful and well-capitalized, but the rebel alliance has true grit.” – John Leake, Dr. McCullough’s co-author for their book, “Courage to Face COVID-19”.

The “vaccines” were proclaimed to be “safe and effective” by the Pfizer and Moderna marketers and corrupted factions of the FDA and corrupt political leaders and corrupted factions of the mainstream media. They have turned out to be neither safe nor effective, in fact they are deadly and poisonous. (28)

The criminal operation includes close involvement with the Dept of Health and Human Services and the Food and Drug Administration and the National Institutes of Health and mainstream media. All of these organizations have engaged in criminal practices that have done tremendous harm to innocent citizens for decades, especially during this plandemic. (5)

The planners of this attack vigorously suppressed the use of effective early treatments like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, by circulating misleading “public service” announcements and by getting formerly trusted scientific journals to publish fraudulent studies discrediting these wonder drugs, because the Emergency Use Authorization requires that there be no effective alternative treatments. The provisions of Public Health Emergency legislation and the school vaccination schedule provide protection from liability for those who create and administer the deadly injections. (25)

Criminal Prosecution

Criminal prosecutions are being attempted by a number of attorneys and others including Aaron Siri, Reiner Fuellmich, Todd Callender, Dr. Henry Ealy, Dr. David Martin and Tom Renz and organizations like America’s Front Line Doctors led by Dr. Simone Gold and Children’s Health Defense led by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. The good guys face fierce opposition from teams of corporate lawyers and teams of lawyers of our own Justice Dept and government agencies, especially under the present regime but this has been the shape of the battlefield for decades. (2)

FLCCC Webinar Nov 29, 2023 – “Call In the Lawyers”:

The Peter and Ginger Breggin Substack informs us this week that Attorney David R. Meiswinkle, who works with an organization called the National American Renaissance Movement, “has written a grand jury petition to indict various actors in the current COVID global predatory movement and has sent it to governors, state attorneys general, and county prosecutors. It’s an amazing document that acts not only as a potential grand jury indictment but also as an introduction to the crimes being committed under the guise of the pandemic.”

Dr. Toby Rogers, PhD, provides this update on the multiple legal campaigns:

“Since the start of Covid and with the emergence of Aaron Siri as one of the greatest jurists in American history, our side is starting to win regularly in the courts.

  • Aaron Siri won the case to restore religious exemptions to vaccination in Mississippi and now ICAN is taking that battle nationwide.
  • In Missouri v. Biden the lower courts ruled that the Biden administration violated the First Amendment by censoring medical freedom voices on social media. Now that case is before the U.S. Supreme Court.
  • The NY Supreme Court struck down the state’s Covid vaccine mandate in a case funded by Children’s Health Defense and led by Sujata Gibson.

Hospitals were given financial incentives to get patients into their COVID wards so that a deadly COVID treatment protocol can be administered including ventilators and Remdesivir and a cocktail of deadly drugs. Most of the “COVID deaths” have occurred in hospitals. (16, 35, 51)

Dr. Robert Malone informs us in his Oct 10, 2023 Substack, “Follow the Money To Understand U.S. COVID Mortality”:

“A UC-Berkeley scholar uses the CDC’s own data to suggest a sharp decline in COVID “deaths” once federal reimbursements to hospitals ended. After the $178 billion in CARES Act money for the “Provider Relief Fund” dried up in January 2022, hospital coders were no longer required to list COVID as cause of death. “They got paid individually for positive tests. If you got ventilated. If you died a COVID-related death, it was $70,000 plus. It was really high numbers,” says Jennifer Bridges, former nurse at Houston Methodist Hospital. “The hospitals were actually trying to get them to switch the cause of death to COVID-related so they could get higher reimbursements.”

A bogus PCR test was used to build a fraudulent database of COVID “cases” which was reported to the public by the mainstream media with nightly “breaking news” stories to increase the “vaccine” uptake, and to justify draconian public health measures that provided no actual health benefits, such as mandatory lockdowns and facemasks and “vaccines”. (29)

Doctors were given instructions to label deaths as COVID deaths if the patient tested positive on the bogus PCR test even if the actual cause of death was other illnesses (co-morbidities). This fraudulently inflated the number of COVID deaths which were reported by the mainstream media to get more people to take the injections. (16)

About 75 percent of the U.S. population have trustingly taken the initial injections.  Uptake of the later shots has dropped off dramatically now after the huge number of deaths and injuries. Many alarming studies have revealed the true dangers and ineffectiveness of the “vaccines” and the other components of the plandemic including Remdesivir, lockdowns and facemasks. (3)

Oct 2023 – Football star in Pfizer ad recommends we get the flu shot and the COVID shot together

Defeating The Spike Protein

After infection or injection, the artificial spike protein from the “virus” and from the “vaccines” settles in our organs and tissues, including in the brain and the heart and the reproductive organs, and proceeds to poison us. (9)

After the “virus” and the “vaccines” were unleashed it was found that more people have died from the “vaccines” than from the “virus”. They died from cancers and heart problems and blood clots and many other illnesses that were caused by the poisonous spike protein. (33)

Our immune system is not very good at removing the artificial spike protein created by the “virus” and the “vaccines” which has been found to weaken our immune system and cause long-term and deadly health problems.  Many of us who were induced and coerced into taking the shots and complying with the deadly hospital protocols now regret it. (3)

Thanks to investigators like Sasha Latypova and Craig Paardekooper and others we have discovered that there is a great variation in the batches of the “vaccines” due to poor quality control and contamination. (43, 44, 46, 47)

Sasha Latypova explained: “Variability refers to how many total reports are submitted for a particular batch number. Some batch numbers had two or three reports, and some had 5,000 to 6,000. That should never happen. If you’re buying Advil today and then buying it a month from now, your experience shouldn’t be 1,000 percent different, because that’s really dangerous. When you see a variability like this among batches of what is supposed to be good manufacturing practice compliant, it means the product is not, in fact, compliant… The COVID shots’ variability is absolutely huge. At that time, toward the fall of 2021, I knew for sure that they weren’t good manufacturing practice compliant. So we have a poor manufacturing practice compliant product being produced and injected into millions of people. We also have the CDC and FDA lying and saying, ‘There is no signal at all,’ and this continues for a long time.”

The vials have been found to contain all kinds of contaminants (18). Microbiologist Kevin McKernan and colleagues discovered simian virus 40 (SV40) promoters in COVID-19 shots that, for decades, have been suspected of causing cancer in humans (44).

Rather than being influenced by football stars perhaps you will agree that it would be wiser to follow an honest and courageous medical expert like Dr. Peter McCullough, MD/MPH who has been saving lives and finding ways to help us survive this catastrophe for the last three years. Here is a brief and concise summary of our current situation by Dr. McCullough on Oct 10, 2023:

Dr. McCullough was the first major academic doctor in the United States (and possibly in the world) to warn (on August 17, 2020) that Operation Warp Speed was “a great gamble.” As he put it in an opinion piece in The Hill (The great gamble of COVID-19 vaccine development):

“[Many unanswered] questions have set up one of the greatest gambles in modern history with billions of dollars spent, hundreds of thousands of lives lost, and unimaginable misery, heartbreak and human suffering by foregoing early medical treatment and waiting for the advent of the vaccine.  The allure of a definitive solution for the large population still at risk for infection and the potential windfall for stakeholders have converged into a single inexorable force.”

Eighteen months after he published this piece, he declared in a U.S. Senate hearing (on January 23, 2022) that the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex had lost its great gamble. The mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were, he declared, unacceptably dangerous to human health and should be taken off the market at once. (50)

Dr. Peter McCullough in his Texas Senate testimony on June 9, 2023, informed us that because of the variability of the “vaccine” batches “about a third of the people who got the vaccines had zero side effects…the second group, which was about two thirds, had some moderate side effects but the rate of serious side effects was pretty low, then there’s a third group which was 4.2 percent of the vials – their side effect rate was through the roof”. (3)

Dr. McCullough testified that the COVID injections “have a product manufacturing problem…There has been no response from our regulatory agencies in terms of pulling these off the market…” Many doctors and scientists and some political leaders have demanded withdrawal of the COVID “vaccines”. Some countries have banned them, in particular for children and pregnant women. (3)

A new type of primary health care company, The Wellness Company (TWC.Health) for which Dr. McCullough is the Chief Medical Officer, has developed a spike protein detox product called Spike Support Formula.  It’s a natural soybean-based supplement that contains nattokinase plus other natural ingredients. The supplement has been shown to be effective for those who have taken the injections as well as those who have not but have received the spike protein from others through shedding or from infection by the “virus”. More information is available at Dr.McCullough explains how to get rid of the spike protein here. (34, 48)

Another excellent organization that is providing prevention and treatment protocols for COVID-19 is the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC). The founding members are Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Pierre Kory. They have an excellent guide here.

The following advice is from an article in the World Council for Health Substack by Alice Ashwell, PhD:

“Dr. Makis recommends two strategies to address serious health challenges following Covid injections:

  1. Athletes should be proactive in getting screened for underlying cardiac issues; if necessary, get the cardiac workup done privately. “There is no price you can put on health and especially something like the heart,” says Makis.
  1. It is important to detox from the spike protein and reduce the possibility of its long-term production. Dr Makis recommended various supplements and nutraceuticals, including:
  • ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine that bind to the spike protein and prevent it from causing oxidative damage and creating free radicals
  • enzymes such as nattokinase, bromelain, serrapeptase, and lumbrokinase that attack the spike protein
  • antioxidants like vitamin C and n-acetyl cysteine (NAC)
  • immune system support like vitamin D and melatonin
  • taurine, an amino acid with anti-inflammatory properties specific to the heart
  • plant medicines like olive leaf, blackseed (Nigella sativa), dandelion root, pine needle tea, and wormwood (Artemisia annua).”

You can also find a Spike Protein Detox Guide on the WCH website.

References for Further Information

1. The Plandemic Long Game

2. Defeating the Plandemic of Fear

3. Dr. McCullough Testifies in the Texas Senate June 9, 2023

4. Who Is Behind the Plandemic

5. Dr. Michael Yeadon, Phd – The Killing Is Intentional

6. Intro to the WEF for Skeptics

7. Dr. Robert Malone at the International COVID Summit

8. Dr. Robert Malone – The Worst Atrocity in the History of the World

9. Dr. Robert Malone – Dangers of the Spike Protein

10. Dr. Robert Malone, MD – The Bio-pharmaceutical Complex in a Nutshell

11. How COVID-19 Became A D.O.D. Bioweapon Operation

12. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.’s Presentation at Hillsdale College

13. Dr. Ben Marble –

14. Understanding the 2005 International Health Regulations Agreement

15. The WHO Pandemic Treaty

16. What Happened To Our Hospitals?

17. Plandemic Discussion with Malone, Kennedy, Lawrie, Nass, Couey and Rose

18. Dr. Jessica Rose – Contamination of the COVID Shots

19. Dr. Francis A. Boyle, PhD/JD – Resisting Medical Tyranny

20. Sen. Rand Paul – U.S.-funded Secret Research in Wuhan

21. Dr. Andrew Huff – The DOD Connection To the Plandemic

22. RFK, Jr. Interviews Dr. Jeffrey Sachs on the Origin of the Virus

23. The Origin of COVID-19

24. New Study Confirms Unvaxxed Kids Healthier Than Vaxxed

25. The Suppression of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin

26. Dr. Peter McCullough’s Historic Presentation at World Council for Health

27. Excerpts from Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake’s New Book

28. Dr. Peter McCullough – The Failed COVID-19 “Vaccine” Experiment

29. RFK, Jr.’s New Book – “The Real Anthony Fauci”

30. Dr. David Martin on Manufactured Pandemics

31. Dr. Peter Breggin – Looking Down the Rabbit Hole

32. Dr. Jennifer Margulis – Getting Smart about Vaccines

33. Why Do Vaccinated People Represent Most COVID-19 Deaths Right Now

34. Dr. McCullouugh – How To Get Rid of the Spike Protein

35. Most COVID-19 Deaths Occurred in Hospitals

36. Dr. Peter Breggin, “COVID-19 and the Global Predators – We Are the Prey”

37. “Dorothy Looks Behind the Curtain”

38. RFK, Jr. – “This was a Military Project from the beginning”

39. Sasha Latypova – Update on CHD Lawsuit Challenging Government’s License To Kill (PREP Act)

40. The Sage Hana Substack

41. Dr. McCullough Testifies in the European Parliament Sep 13, 2023

42. Dr. Robert Malone, “Scott Gottlieb’s Role in Creating a New Intelligence Office”

43. Sasha Latypova interviewed by The Epoch Times Sep 30, 2023

44. Dr. Joseph Mercola, “What’s Actually in the COVID-19 Vaccines?” and “Alarming COVID Jab Contamination Shocks Scientists”

45. Spartacus Substack, “War Is Not Just Stupid, it’s Criminal”

46. FLCCC – COVID Shots Contaminated with DNA

47. Kevin McKernan Talks COVID Vaccine Contamination

48. Dr. McCullough – Another Study Shows Effectiveness of Nattokinase Against Heart Effects of Spike Protein

49. Katherine Watt, “On the Moral Agency of Living Human Lawmakers”

50. Dr. Peter McCullough, “The Great Gamble of COVID Vaccine Development”

51. Ty and Charlene Bollinger, “How Big Pharma Buys Doctors and Regulators”

52. Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake, “The Courage to Face COVID-19”

53. Dr. Robert Malone, “Limited Hangout: Robert Kadlec Forced To Cover for Fauci”

54. Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., interview with Mary Holland of Children’s Health Defense about RFK, Jr.’s book “The Wuhan Cover-up”

55. Dr. Peter Breggin, MD: “DOD Ran Warp Speed from Its Inception” Jan 17, 2024

56. Dr. Mark Bailey and Dr. John Bevan-Smith, “The COVID-19 Fraud and War on Humanity”

Published by Doug Peck

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