Stories for All Ages

Theme Song (words and music by Suno AI):

In my life I have poked around in computers, rumbled around in trucks, splashed around in boats, zoomed around in airplanes and buzzed around on motorcycles. Now, as I begin my seventh decade, my daily bike ride has become my favorite routine. The chilly December wind feels good on my face in the warm sun. I was swaying to the music as I rolled down the trail. A father and his young son both smiled when they saw me. The little boy’s head bobbled from side to side and up and down, taking in as much as he possibly could of this wonderful experience. His excited gaze finally met mine. It declared, “This is Fun!”

Perhaps first, I would like to share a perspective about the most important event of our time, the pandemic, or as some more accurately call it, the plandemic.

Defeating the Plandemic of Fear

(I posted this story originally in August 2020.)

Some times I use too many big words,” Henry said apologetically. “I guess that’s why Blaze keeps telling me, “Don’t talk when your head is full, Dear.” On another occasion she helpfully advised, “Don’t try to be funny, Dear, and for Heaven’s sake, don’t try to be ‘literary’ “. Today we were side-by-side on the bike trail and I was grouchy, again. It had become a common occurrence over the past two years, what the Germans call “weltschmerz” – world-weariness – after I discovered the truth about the plandemic, but really going much further back (see “9/11 Truth“). I had joy when I was little. Where did it go? It’s still there, like the river that runs under the Santa Clara, down deep, waiting for renewal. With a mixture of sympathy and exasperation she demanded, “What do you Really want, Dear?” I said, “I want justice for the innocent victims and I want hope for the endlessly oppressed.” She nodded her head slowly up and down while maintaining my earnest gaze and said, “I understand.”



Mark Twain

“The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.” – Mark Twain


Dr. Ryan Cole, MD

“This is groups of scientists taking advantage of humanity in ways that are obviously dangerous. We’re paying the price for their playing in the playground where they shouldn’t have been playing. This is science gone awry. But it is science gone awry intentionally for the benefit of a few to the detriment of many.” – Dr. Ryan Cole


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

“They’re making $60 billion a year selling us vaccines, but they’re making $500 billion a year selling the remedies for injuries caused by the vaccines…This is a really great business plan for these companies – you make people sick and then you sell them the lifetime cure.” – Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.


Dr. Peter McCullough, MD/MPH

“So, it is fully disclosed that the genetic vaccines were not a product of Operation Warp Speed and developed in just a few months, as portrayed by the White House. In truth, DARPA has been working on genetic vaccines with companies such as Moderna since 2011. What is the role of the FDA? Latypova points out it is largely ‘theatre’ “. – Dr. Peter McCullough

Stop the Mandates Rally Victorville, CA 2021

People will do almost anything if they’re frightened enough, or if there’s money in it.”Henry Vanderwendt


After what we have learned in the last two years there can only be two types of people who would still promote mRNA mass vaccination and lockdowns and face masks: those who have been misled and scoundrels. We have been assaulted by misguided and corrupt political leaders and government officials and ruthless global predators.

Early in the pandemic governments began telling us, “Don’t worry, the vaccines are coming.” In the meantime the governments suppressed the use of other traditional remedies that could have saved hundreds of thousands of lives. If they acknowledged other remedies the multi-billion dollar vaccine program would not have been allowed to be fast-tracked under the rules of the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization, so the government suppressed other remedies with help from the corrupted mainstream media and clueless celebrities and talk show hosts. The suppression of life-saving drugs like Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin for early treatment of COVID-19 is still going on. It is part of what is being called “the biggest crime against humanity in history”.

I have documented the basis for these assertions in this blog, citing many eminent doctors, scientists and scholars. Join the Unity Project and stand side by side with thousands of others who are opposing vaccine mandates and other abuses of government in this plandemic. The leadership team includes Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Paul Alexander:


When the solution is worse than the problem

The response of governments around the world to this pandemic has been shameful, even criminal. There has been far too much promotion of the failed and deadly “vaccines” and far too little support for early home treatments which would have saved hundreds of thousands of lives.

In one country after another there has been a state-sponsored and media-hyped campaign of misinformation based on now admittedly flawed computer modeling, the invalid PCR testing method which produces false positives, and bogus death certificate procedures which inflate the number of deaths attributed to COVID-19. As planned, this has successfully induced a dreadful fear of this relatively benign virus in populations around the world, especially in the USA, Canada, England and Australia.

Evidence uncovered by investigators like Dr. David Martin, PhD and Dr. Peter Breggin, MD reveals that what has been unfolding for the past two years was planned for years, at least as far back as 2017. The plan includes harmful unjustified lockdowns and facemask rules and it involves coercion of everyone, not just those who are at risk, into taking the deadly experimental gene therapies which are being deceptively called “vaccines”.

The clinical evidence is now showing that the “vaccines” are failing to provide the protection that was promised – many of the new COVID-19 cases are people who have been vaccinated. As of Sep 2022 more than 30,000 deaths have been reported to the CDC’s VAERS system after taking the shots. The true numbers were shown by a Harvard study in 2009 to be many times higher due to under-reporting. A whistleblower nurse said in an interview that most of her fellow nurses don’t take the time to do the VAERS reports after their patients experience serious effects from the shots. She said, ”It takes half an hour to fill out the damn things.”

The vaccinated people are not only exposed to the deadly adverse affects of the “vaccines”, they are being told they will need ongoing booster shots, which will move them further and further away from the broad natural immunity that is obtained by the unvaccinated when they endure an exposure to the COVID-19 “virus”. When you realize that you are being poisoned, is it rational to keep taking the poison?

Scientists have been saying since early in 2020 that SARS-COV-2 is probably a manufactured “virus” that was released accidentally or intentionally from a bio-weapons lab, possibly the Level 4 bio-weapons lab in Wuhan, China. Recent revelations inform us that the Corona virus gain of function research at the Wuhan lab was funded by the U.S. through covert channels and the research program was administered by the U.S. Dept of Defense. The “vaccines” are manufactured by a large and largely unknown consortium of DoD contractors . Big Pharma companies like Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson are only the marketing arm of this complex manufacturing structure administered by the DoD (Ref 26).

Financial Analyst Edward Dowd with Tucker Carlson on the Dramatic Increase in Excess Deaths After the COVID Shots:

Questions we must consider:

  • Why are hospitals and governments throwing out all the rules of medical ethics?
  • Why are they suppressing early treatments that would save lives?
  • Why are they incentivizing hospitals to diagnose more people with COVID?
  • Why are they using a PCR test that lacks specificity and can be turned up to produce false positives?
  • Why is the media lying about all this?
  • Why is Big Tech censoring scientists and anyone else who disagrees with the official narrative?
  • Why are the governments of the world in a mad panic to inject as many people as possible with mRNA vaccines?”

The “Great Reset

There is a deeply sinister movement afoot in this country and around the world that wants to impose political authoritarianism and medical tyranny on the people. The message from our government in everything from signs above the freeway to public service announcements has become “shut up and get in line”.

Most of the doctors who we have always loved and trusted have abandoned their oath “First Do No Harm” and have caved in to the pressure from their corporate owners and government agencies to go along with the disastrous public health policies and hospital protocols. Many of our medical administrators, public health officials and political leaders have shown that they are determined to ignore the well-documented dangers of these so-called “vaccines” (experimental gene therapies), and for hospitalized patients they insist on using deadly failed horrendously expensive drugs like Remdesivir to the exclusion of other well-known inexpensive and safe and effective drugs like hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin.

“I just followed the guidelines”

Many people have compliantly gone along with tyrannical public health policies that have proven to do tremendous harm – lockdowns of schools, churches and businesses and prolonged face masking including the masking of young children. Our most innocent and vulnerable among us are being harmed.

“Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental opinion of the day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a distinguished period, and pursued unalterably through every change of ministers (administrators) too plainly proves a deliberate, systemic plan of reducing us to slavery” – Thomas Jefferson

A Primer on the World Economic Forum:

“This is a globalist war on democracy, the biggest war on freedom in human history.” – Prof. Mark Crispin Miller, New York University

Unelected technocrats, a bunch of people who are too clever for our own good, have created a structure where public policy is made according to agendas that do not have public awareness and oversight through the democratic process. Dr. Carl Sagan warned us about this 25 years ago:

A “reptile” named Yuval Harari is a top advisor to the World Economic Forum:

Dr. Robert Malone, MD

Dr. Malone summarized the “globalist” campaign that benefits corporate stakeholders at the expense of all citizens: “A gradual and silent encroachment of our freedom and Federal, States’ and individual sovereignty by a globalist financial corporate cartel continues to proceed. One key aspect of our current political reality in the US is that many of our laws at the Federal level have been placed there by corporate stakeholders. Corporate lobbyists work tirelessly and relentlessly to insert legislation that benefits their industries and increases the wealth of their corporate clients.”

Dr. Malone and others have pointed out the alarming fact that our government and governments around the world have been effectively using social and mainstream media to control the narrative. They have been partly successful so far because they have the resources, the power, the money, main stream media, big pharma, tech giants and social media supporting their efforts. Dr. Malone gave two examples, vaccine mandates and suppression of alternative treatments:

“When Biden decided by executive order to enforce mandates, which are political in nature, then mandates became a censored topic in mainstream media. When the government decided that they would suppress the use of ivermectin and HCQ, despite our laws that allow such usage, these also became censored topics and taboo to discus. Messages about ivermectin being dangerous and horse-paste were planted though out the Internet and TV. These are examples of censorship and propaganda.”

“This is not just an information war, it is a battle over what is right and good versus what is fundamentally evil. Our opponents clearly believe that the ends justify the means, and that ethics – right and wrong- are completely situational…”

RC the Rapper, “Just Say No!”

People of all ages will recognize a brilliant and courageous young person who has a message for us all:

Prof. John Ioannidis of Stanford University made this statement early in the pandemic when countries around the world were drafting their public health policies: “The current coronavirus disease has been called a once in a century pandemic. But it may also be a once in a century evidence fiasco. We lack reliable evidence on how many people have been infected with SARS COV2. Draconian countermeasures have been adopted in many countries. During long lasting lockdowns how can policymakers tell if they are doing more harm than good. The data collected so far on how many people have been infected and how the epidemic is evolving is utterly unreliable.”

PCR Tests Were a Scam From the Start

Dr. Kerry Mullins, PhD, who created the PCR test, said: “Anyone can test positive for practically anything with a PCR test if you run it long enough…it doesn’t tell you if you’re sick.” The PCR tests in use for COVID could pick up evidence of weeks-old cold or flu in the nasal passages and misidentify it as “COVID-19.” Researchers have found that only three percent of people who tested positive for COVID on a swab test actually had the virus (Ref 4).

Dr. Joseph Mercola informs us: “Using PCR tests to diagnose was also a complete scam, as these types of tests cannot tell the difference between an active infection and dead viral debris. Because of this, millions upon millions of healthy people were forced into isolated for no reason. The false positives were also used to artificially inflate the number of cases and deaths, which were then used to instill fear in the population and keep the pandemic going long after it was over.”

This short video details how the PCR test works and why it cannot be used as a diagnostic: Link

Author and investigator Kevin Ryan: “The PCR test for COVID infection in the U.S., which was used in many other countries as well, did not identify a unique coronavirus. In other words, the test had a high rate of false positives. Still, people accepted the narrative of “cases” that drove the fear. The policy endorsed by the WHO and the CDC that attributed COVID as a cause of death for anyone who tested positive using the false PCR test, no matter what their actual cause of death was, dramatically inflated the number of deaths attributed to COVID” (Ref 22).

Mr. Ryan made these observations in his article “Covid: A Collision of Historical and Scientific Illiteracy in December, 2021:

“Some people have accepted or ignored the poverty and famine being driven by the reckless response to Covid. And they have also ignored that the people driving the Covid scare have a history of crimes against humanity.  Not the least of these are Bill Gates, who has monopolized healthcare and has tried to buy off the media, and Anthony Fauci, who is known for having killed nearly 200,000 HIV patients with the toxic drug AZT.

“How has the public’s willful ignorance been established so easily?  The Covid crimes were carefully practiced beforehand through a series of exercises conducted by governments and corporations since 9/11. And the operation builds upon elements utilized in all the previous government crimes against humanity.”

Dr. Jim Meehan, MD and Dr. Aaron Lewis, PhD, describe the statistics and modeling and PCR testing frauds in this plandemic:

Defeating the Deadly “Vaccine” Scam

The vaccine business is a huge worldwide industry. Not only the vaccine makers but also the university research institutions, the medical establishment and the public health agencies have a huge vested interest in promoting vaccines. Big Pharma asserts its profit-driven influence through political lobbying and media ads that sustain the mainstream networks (count the number of drug ads the next time you watch 60 Minutes) and through more devious means including funding of scientific studies and packing of government advisory boards.

Big Pharma is deeply integrated into the medical establishment and the healthcare industry. “Public health policies are not merely influenced by Big Pharma; they are formulated so as to increase industry’s profits because government budgets are tied to this industry’s profits. The FDA has received $825 million in industry ‘user fees’, and other government agencies have similarly become financially dependent on Big Pharma.” (from “Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense”, Ref 10). The Big Pharma companies have histories of criminal conviction for misleading and defrauding the public. For example, in 2009 Pfizer was ordered to pay a settlement of $2.3 billion in the largest health care fraud settlement in history (Ref 17).

Dr. Mark McDonald, MD: “It is difficult to ignore the immense conflict of interest at the federal level within government agencies that generate health policies. FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb joined Pfizer’s board of directors in June 2019. Mark McClellan, FDA head from 2002–2004, sits on the board of Johnson & Johnson. Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson both received emergency use authorization from the FDA to bypass standard safety and efficacy testing in bringing its experimental vaccine products to market in early 2020.” – Dr. Mark McDonald, MD, “The United States of Fear” (2021).

With prodding by misguided authorities and celebrities people lined up for the experimental “vaccines” in spite of the risks and the undemonstrated efficacy:

  • There have been more deaths from the COVID “vaccines” than from all the previous vaccines put together (Ref 19).
  • The COVID “vaccine” campaign is being artificially propped up by governments and medical administrations in spite of the overwhelming proof of its failure. There is a growing body of evidence of financial and political corruption behind it that awaits a Nuremberg-like reckoning for the perpetrators (Ref 20).
  • There are suspected downstream deadly effects from the genetic tampering in the experimental mRNA technology
  • Taking the vaccine doesn’t prevent infection and it doesn’t prevent transmission to others if you are infected (this is one of the most widespread misconceptions about the “vaccines” – all that they might do for some people is reduce the symptoms)
  • They are actually genetic programming devices, which opens up devilish possibilities for manipulating those who have taken them
  • The manufacturers claim that you will require ongoing vaccine updates due to virus variants (ka-ching)
  • There is no product liability for the “vaccine” makers thanks to The 1986 Act and The PREP Act (2020) which protect the makers from lawsuits for injuries or death from the vaccines.
  • mRNA vaccines have been the subject of research since the 1990s, but before 2020 no mRNA vaccine was ever approved for use on humans. Yet, following the advent of COVID, two different companies made two supposedly “safe and effective” mRNA vaccines within weeks of each other.

According to the CDC, people 69 and under have a 99% COVID recovery rate, and those 70 and over have a 94% recovery rate. Our own immune system has a higher efficacy rate than this vaccine. Why would a normal, rational person want to have an experimental treatment that manipulates our genetic programming injected into his bloodstream, potentially triggering long-term ailments or death, if the treatment isn’t even needed?

“The COVID-19 mass vaccination debacle has prompted many discerning parents and physicians to re-evaluate the entire CDC childhood vaccine schedule, which has grown from three products in 1962 (five immunizations) to 72 shots (16 immunizations) in the present day.” – from The McCullough Report by Dr. Peter McCullough, MD 12/20/2022

Dr. Michael Yaedon, PhD

Dr. Michael Yeadon, the former Chief Scientist of Pfizer, said: “There is absolutely no need for the vaccines to extinguish the pandemic. You do not vaccinate people who aren’t at risk from a disease. You also don’t set about to vaccinate millions of healthy people with a vaccine that hasn’t been extensively tested on human subjects…I believe we are beyond reckless in pushing these vaccines on people who are not at elevated risk of dying from the virus…This is what has led me kicking and screaming to the conclusion that the reason they want everybody to be vaccinated is that they want to force everybody onto to a unique world’s first vaccine-based passport ID system.” (Ref 11)

Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, PhD

Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi is an award-winning virologist. In this interview he describes why the rushed vaccine trials represent the world’s largest medical experiment perpetrated on the globe in human history. Dr. Bhakdi details why the public should not only doubt it’s efficacy, but also be wary of unstudied dangers.

Why are some governments promoting dangerous experimental vaccines and targeting them for worldwide distribution to whole populations instead of simply providing safe and effective and inexpensive treatments like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin to those who need treatment, which could have saved tens of thousands of lives by now? Is it because you can’t make billions of dollars and sustain the Big Pharma/Medical Establishment/Research Institutions/Govt Health complex with simple inexpensive treatments like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin?

Dr. Peter Breggin, MD

Dr. Peter Breggin, MD, and his wife/research assistant Ginger

Dr. Peter Breggin, MD, and his wife Ginger have laid this all out for us in their book “COVID-19 and the Global Predators”.

Dr. Breggin: “As we tried to understand what continues to be happening to America during COVID-19, we pulled on one medical, political and economic string after another and found ourselves unravelling a coalition of global predators. They are individual billionaires, political leaders, government agencies, giant corporations, industries, universities, the major media, social media, big tech, and even the international medical and scientific establishment. All of them were and are effectively benefitting from COVID-19 at the expense of the American people and most of the world.”

In a recent interview Dr. Breggin commented, “It was hard for me to believe that people could organize on a high level for years to carry on a vaccine fraud and they were going to use it to attack democracy, because most of their investments for the future are in communist China.  That’s the basic summary of the book, “COVID-19 and the Global Predators”.

Dr. Peter McCullough, MD

From Dr. Peter McCullough’s new book, ”The Courage to Face Covid-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex” by John Leake and Peter A. McCullough:

“Medicare paid hospitals a 20% gratuity on the patient’s entire hospital bill (already “enhanced” 20%) for using these new drugs. While convalescent plasma supplies were dependent on blood donation, Remdesivir had no supply constraints and quickly became the standard hospital treatment for COVID-19. At a Medicare covered price of $ 3,100 per treatment course on a drug that cost about $ 10 per dose to manufacture, this enabled its company, Gilead Sciences, to book $ 1.9 billion in revenue for the fourth quarter of 2020, and $ 5.6 billion in 2021, making it the number one hospital drug for the year. Gilead enjoyed these sales during this period in spite of the fact that, on November 20, 2020, the WHO recommended against using Remdesivir.”

Sen. Scott Jensen, MD

Sen. Scott Jensen, MD

The MD and Minnesota State Senator, Dr. Scott Jensen, spoke about the corruption going on in our hospitals with Fox News’s Laura Ingraham: “Right now, Medicare has determined that if you have a COVID-19 admission in hospital, you’ll get paid $ 13,000 dollars. If that COVID-19 patient goes on a ventilator, you get $ 39,000 dollars, three times as much. Dr. Jensen was addressing the concern that hospitals were thereby incentivized to code patients as COVID-19 admissions even if they were suffering from other illnesses or injuries. Of additional concern was the CDC’s guidance: In cases where a definite diagnosis of COVID-19 cannot be made, but it is suspected or likely (e.g., the circumstances are compelling within a reasonable degree of certainty) it is acceptable to report COVID-19 on a death certificate as “probable” or “presumed.”


Dr. Zach Bush, MD

Dr. Zach Bush, MD, explains that we need a paradigm shift in the way we approach human health: instead of forcing deadly experimental gene therapies on mass populations to supposedly defeat the latest virus-of-the-month we should learn how to live with and benefit from the life-creating and life-preserving viruses that have been an essential part of life for billions of years. The current drug-based paradigm is great for maintaining the Big Pharma/Medical Establishment/Govt Agency/Research Institution Complex but it is terrible for advancing human health. Dr. Bush says, “Ask your doctor, ‘How do I improve my innate immune system?’ If he doesn’t have a good answer, get another doctor.”

In one of Dr. Bush’s educational seminars one of his expert presenters, Dr. Cindy Fallon, PhD, explains how thousands of dedicated scientists and technicians at companies like Monsanto and Pfizer and Kraft Foods pursue their careers with the best of intentions, believing that they are helping to feed the world and eradicate disease, when in fact so many of their products are poisoning the world and creating a worldwide market of diseased consumers.

Historians inform us that we can thank mostly one soulless robber baron – John D. Rockefeller – for making civilization all about oil and gas products, including fertilizers that have poisoned the planet and pharmaceuticals that have poisoned our miraculous bodies, and for turning people away from ancient natural remedies and for bribing medical schools to focus only on drugs and surgeries.  Later in life John D. Rockefeller was a genuine philanthropist who did many good works.  Maybe Bill Gates will someday see the light, too.

Most people want to see truth and justice and personal freedoms prevail in events like this pandemic of fear. The vaccine campaign is a powerful freight train at this point. But we can defeat the deadly and deceptive vaccine scam by just saying “No!”.


The Suppression of Non-Vaccine Treatments

Aug 2021 FDA message discouraging Ivermectin as a dangerous drug:

Early in the pandemic governments began telling us, “Don’t worry, the vaccines are coming.” In the meantime the governments suppressed the use of other traditional remedies that could have saved tens of thousands of lives. If they had acknowledged other remedies the multi-billion dollar vaccine program would not have been allowed to be fast-tracked under the rules of the FDA’s Emergency Use Authorization, so the government suppressed other remedies. The suppression of life-saving drugs like hydroxychloriquine and ivermectin is still going on. It will go down as one of history’s greatest crimes against humanity.

Finally a small group of outraged doctors and doctor’s alliances defied the government restrictions and delivered the early home treatments that were desperately needed, through organizations like America’s Front Line Doctors ( and Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (

The Front Line Doctors, a physicians alliance formed by Dr. Simone Gold, is one of a number of physician alliances and many independent doctors around the country who are defying the government suppression of traditional treatments for COVID-19.

People who have weakened immune systems might mount an immune response to the virus that can make them very sick and even die. They can dramatically reduce their risk by getting a safe and inexpensive early home treatment that includes medicines and supplements like hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, vitamin D3, and zinc, with a doctor’s prescription, from organizations like America’s Front Line Doctors and Association of American Physicians and My Free Doctor .

Dr. Peter McCullough describes how he formed a group of doctors like himself who were outraged by the government and medical establishment suppression of COVID-19 early home treatments and created a treatment protocol using proven drugs like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, which has resulted in tens of thousands of lives being saved:


The Attack on Our Freedoms

Attorney Leah Wilson of Stand for Health Freedom

Citizen advocate groups such as attorney Leah Wilson’s Stand for Health Freedom are demanding formal investigations into the alleged criminal frauds by Anthony Fauci and the CDC and the WHO. Other investigative organizations such as Children’s Health Foundation led by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. are a beacon in the darkness.

Law suits filed by Attorney Tom Renz:

Renz is the lead attorney in several major cases brought against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Defense, the Biden administration and Fauci himself; regarding forced vaccine mandates, the COVID-19 lockdowns, mask mandates, business closures, alleged hospital negligence, vaccine injuries to military personnel and civilians and efforts to censor the truth about COVID-19.

Law suits filed by Attorney Reiner Fuellmich:

A class action lawsuit is being set up by an international team of lawyers led by the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who is prosecuting those responsible for the Covid-19 scandal. Reiner Fuellmich is the lawyer who succeeded in condemning the automobile giant Volkswagen in the case of the tampered catalytic converters. And he succeeded in condemning Deutsche Bank as a criminal enterprise.

An alliance of European doctors and scientists has submitted a letter of outrage to the European Medicines Agency regarding the COVID experimental vaccines. The letter asserts that the European Medicines Agency is “misleading populations into accepting investigational agents such as the gene-based COVID-19 ‘vaccines’, or coercing them through ‘vaccine passports’,”. and this “constitutes clear and egregious violations of the Nuremberg Code”.

The Atrocity of Big Tech Censorship and the So-called “Fact Checkers”:


Woody Harrelson’s monologue on Saturday Night Live Feb 25, 2023:

Mainstream media response to Woody Harrelson’s monologue:

Native American Wisdom:

The Dangers of Tampering with Nature

For the first time in history new genetic modification techniques are being used to create “vaccines” that could actually prevent our immune system from protecting us naturally as it has done for millions of years.

Dr. Zach Bush, MD:

“We are engineering ourselves into a sterile bubble, securing our place far from the life giving capacity of this planet.”

“We contribute to massive morbidity and mortality through our artificial perturbation of human biology. Why are we putting everybody on ACE inhibitors (commonly prescribed for high blood pressure) and statin drugs (commonly prescribed for high cholesterol)? These are totally screwing up the most fundamental biological systems in our bodies including the innate immune system…we are destroying the biology that would keep us resilient to things like respiratory infections.”

Dr. Bush informs us that viruses are an essential part of life. In times of extreme stress, such as air pollution and glyphosate in weed killers and overuse of antibiotics in the meat industry, the viruses are released, by the grace of Nature, by living organisms to update our genetic database and help our immune system cope with all the poisons we are putting in our air, water, soil and bodies. Dr. Bush explains that some people who have weakened immune systems might mount an immune response to the virus update that can make them very sick and even die. The vast majority of people will assimilate the virus update and will be better off from it. After many decades of poisoning the planet we are now approaching a critical tipping point in coping with those poisons. When we take a flu vaccine or a COVID vaccine, for example, we are disrupting the natural balance that has evolved with the help of the viruses over millions of years. (Ref 7).

We Have Enduring Strength

In its relatively short time on Earth this remarkably strong and vibrant tree near our home has weathered brush fires and earthquakes and flash floods and everything else that Nature and Humankind have thrown at it. Throughout the year it’s a launching place for hikers on the Pacific Crest Trail. It’s a Sunday destination for those who remember better days. Some look at the gnarled burned-out trunk and think, “It can’t go on much longer”. Others encourage it with loving thoughts, knowing that every year it sprouts fresh green branches.

If we want to “live long and prosper” we have to understand our proper place in the grand plan of Nature and stop poisoning our air, water, soil and bodies with glyphosate and excessive antibiotics and excessive sugar in our food and toxic food additives and depleted nutrients in processed food. This will turn around the exponential increase in chronic disease and infertility that has been caused by the poisoning of our world and ourselves.

In this pandemic the governments will try to take credit where little credit is due, and where much blame awaits a reckoning. We can defeat these abominations by just saying “No!”


For more information:

  1. Statistics and Modeling Fraud – Dr. Ronald B. Brown, PhD and Dr. Jim Meehan, MD:

2. The U.S. Senate testimonies on the government suppression of non-vaccine treatments:

3. Dr. Simone Gold and America’s Front Line Doctors:

The Suppression of HCQ and Other Non-Vaccine Remedies

4. Canadien doctors speak out about the pandemic response:

5. Attorney Reiner Fuellmich

Mr. Fuellmich describes the international lawsuit against the government’s pandemic response (this link is a replacement for my original YouTube link which was subsequently censored by YouTube):

Update June 2021:

The United Nations criminal agenda is revealed to the world

6. Defying the Lockdown

This is an inspiring story about those who are defying the lockdown order:


7. Dr. Zach Bush, MD:

Zach Bush – Our COVID-19 Assumptions Are Wrong: Why Social Distancing & Vaccines Will Make The Pandemic Worse

8. Dr. Peter McCullough, MD:

  • Interview on 5/28/21: “With the safety levels that we see, that far exceed all vaccines combined in terms of death and hospitalization and serious events, I can no longer recommend the vaccine”:

9. Dr. Samantha Bailey and Nurse Debi Evans on the Flaws of the PCR Test

Dr. Bailey is a brilliant and courageously outspoken MD from New Zealand. She explains the fatal flaws of the PCR test:

Nurse/researcher Debi Evans on the ulterior motives behind the PCR test:…/brian-gerrish-with-debi-evans-pcr…/

10. “Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits At Our Expense”

By Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Köhnlein, and others (available at

11. Dr. Michael Yeadon, PhD, former Chief Scientist for Pfizer:

  • Unbelievably, unless you understand the diabolical censorship campaign that we are experiencing, this interview was banned by YouTube:

Michael Yeadon Interview – Former Pfizer VP Speaks Out On Dangers Of mRNA Vaccines & COVID Illusion

Dr. Mike Yeadon (6/21):

12. Dr. Lee Merritt, MD

Dr. Merritt is an orthopedic surgeon who practices part-time now after a long medical career that includes nine years serving as a physician and surgeon for the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps. Like many of us she was outraged when she became aware of the deception, manipulation and fraud behind this unusual politically-motivated pandemic response.

13. Christian Elliot, “18 Reasons Why I Won’t Be Getting a COVID Vaccine”:

14. Dr. David Martin, PhD:

Dr. David Martin, PhD, was interviewed by attorney Dr. Reiner Fuellmich on July 10, 2021. Dr. Martin runs a company that does computer analyses of patents and patent applications. He has used his “special set of skills” to expose the corruption and perpetrators in this Plandemic:…/A-manufactured-illusion.-Dr-David…

15. Dr. Joseph Mercola, DO:

  • Interview with Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., a senior research scientist at MIT, who describes the risks of the COVID-19 “vaccines”:

  • Dr. Mercola’s new book, “The Truth about COVID-19”. Available at

16. “Vaccines Are Dangerous and Don’t Work” by Dr Vernon Coleman, available at

“People love vaccination because it promises them an easy way to avoid illness without having to do anything themselves. They want to believe that it works and they want to believe that it is safe.

17. Pfizer ordered to pay largest fraud settlement in history for illegal marketing of drugs:

18. Dr. Zach Bush, The Innate Immune System Webinar:

19. Under-reporting of the CDC’s VAERS Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System:

20. Dr. Elizabeth Vliet and Dr. Robert Malone expose the financial and political corruption in our healthcare system – hospitals and doctors are being paid to promote COVID diagnoses and promote the deadly “vaccines”:

Dr. Vliet:

Dr. Malone:

21. RFK, Jr. – Connection Between COVID and Federal Reserve Banking System

22. Kevin Ryan, Parallels Between 9/11 and COVID:

“Historical illiteracy is largely to blame for the COVID scare although much of that illiteracy is by choice, through willful ignorance of events that cause cognitive dissonance. The examples cited above are but a few in the long history of deceptions used by governments to drive the agendas of the powerful few. People who ignore these historical facts not only turn a bind eye to history, they ignore painfully obvious features of current affairs including that “terrorism” has mysteriously disappeared. People don’t want to acknowledge the fact that we do not live in democratic societies any longer. Yet today the world is fully run by an oligarchy and that oligarchy wants us to be diverted and outraged about superficial things while staying ignorant or silent on issues important to us…”

23. Kevin Ryan, “Is the Coronavirus Scare a Psychological Operation?”, blog post June 3, 2020

24. Dr. Peter Breggin, MD, and his wife Ginger, “COVID-19 and the Global Predators” is available at

25. Wolf, PhD, Dr. Naomi, The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and The War Against the Human (pp. 13-14). All Seasons Press. Kindle Edition.

26. The McCullough Report, Nov 8 2022 – Department of Defense Driving Mass Vaccination While FDA and Vaccine Companies are Powerless to Stop It

Published by Douglas Lloyd Peck

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